Tuesday 9 February 2010

Space Encounters

In January this year I was invited to take an animation module with first year students on the FDA course at Hastings Art College. The brief was about story-boarding a narrative and then creating a stop frame animation - refreshingly all the students created the artwork by hand and amongst the enthusiastic ideas and productions were a couple of space themed animations. Inspired by the students work I decided I should have a go and collated some images from previous commssions and used them in my own space animation. Without the stop motion equipment at home I elected for a flash movie - a fairly low res version can be seen above ! Much room for improvement me thinks but it was fun doing it. I'm now looking forward to seeing the students finished animations this week.

1 comment:

Peter Richardson said...

Outtasite Jon!!!

Love it and love the lettering too.

The sound efx are pure '50's which is deliciously retro.