Friday, 9 April 2010

Elly Book 3

Two good things happened since I last updated, 'theiphonemom' reviewed Elly Book 1, and Elly Book 2 (goes to school) and Book 3 (the windy day) are now up on itunes. Hopefully the review (I did note from google analytics that traffic was arriving via iphonemoms site to my site) will increase sales, together with the force of numbers, well three titles ! In fact an editor at a childrens publisher once said to me about one of my ideas ' bring me a series of three than I'll look at it' - so there you go. Starting another app project whilst thinking about book 4, which may well be 'goes camping'.....


Peter Richardson said...

These stories are just so engaging and appealing. I love the look and feel of Elly, the simple charm and appeal of the images is just designed to work really well on apps, but also hints at animation potential.

Would make a lovely TV series.

Anonymous said...

These are some very fun illustrations! I especially love the colors and compositions. Keep up the good work!