Monday, 17 May 2010

Work in Progress....Elly Book 4

Had this lovley review come in today from :

"Meet Elly the Reindeer. A cute little book character with 3 apps already out that are just adorable. Elly and friends like ‘Aapo’, ‘Fin’ and ‘Snowy Owl’ go on delightful adventures in ‘The Birthday Party’, ‘Elly Goes to School’ and ‘The Windy Day’.

The apps have clean and beautifully structured illustrations, that make excellent use of colors and proportions, really helping on our kids’ visual education. Stories are simple and fun, the ones that kids ask us to read over and over.

Although these are straight-forward books, with no voice, sound of interaction, the stories and illustrations are so nice they are worth having on board of our touch devices."

Michel from iphone4kids sent me a nice email too asking when the next Elly was due - well Michel I'm hoping mid June and here's the cover get ny head down....


ana said...

I´ve seen the screenshots but are there some way to see what kind of interactions and animation have this books?

Jonathan Higham said...

Did I reply to this - sorry if I didn't, I can't remember now ! But no, there is no interaction as we wanted these app books to mimic the parent child reading experience...that said book 6 will have a small theme tune...we are also looking at bringing in sound effects !